Most of these videos were work projects at the NASA Glenn Research Center
AA-2 Time-lapse at the Space Environments Complex
Build-up of Orion Spacecraft before testing for Artemis Mission
Ice accretion with varying spray conditions at the Icing Research Tunnel
Build-up of X-59 Quiet Supersonic Technology (QueSST)
Documentation of the route of the Orion Spacecraft from Mansfield to Plum Brook Station
Technicians cuts and measure ice after a spray at the Icing Research Tunnel
Build-up and testing of Orion at the Space Power Facility
Build-up of the new GRUVE Lab
Build-up of project in VF-5 Chamber
Build-up of a project in the Ballistics Lab
Build-up at the Propulsion Systems Laboratory
GoPro Time-lapse of Propulsion Systems Laboratory Test
Time-lapse of the NASA Hangar
Build-up of an adaptive wing project
Overnight time-lapse of NASA Glenn
Build-up of test at Electric Propulsion Laboratory
Build-up and testing at the 8x6 Wind Tunnel
Time-lapse of testing done at the Propulsion System Laboratory
Time-lapse of Centaur and NASA Hangar
Build-up and testing at Rocket Test Facility
Build-up of a project at the NASA Glenn Research Center
Tear down of a project at the 8x6 Wind Tunnel